Tech Tools
This year I have use a lot of different tech tools for my class works and projects.
Google Drive: I use Google drive to keep all of my file and documents. And it can be use to make new doc, drawings, forms, and a lot more useful things. By using Google drive it is very easy for me to see my work. And it helps me keep track of my class work and homework. Without Google drives it will be very hard to stay organize and clean.
Herman School loop: I use Herman School loop to check out my grade and any assignments that I need to do. Moreover, I can send loop mail to my teachers if I needed too. Without Herman School loop, I will not know what my grade is. And I will easily forget what my assignments are and when it is due. Lastly, I will not be able to contract my teachers after school when I need them.
Edmodo: I use edmodo to check my assignments and when it is due. Also I can turn in my work and ask teachers questions or other classmates for help. Without Edmodo, I will not be able to see my assignments. Also I will not be able to turn in my assignments or ask my teachers or classmates for help.
Jilster: I use this app to create online magazine for my projects in social studies. This app also allows me to work with my teammates easily. Without this, I will not be able to create an online magazine for my project. And it will be hard for me to work with my team on the magazine.
Flash: I use flash to create my game for my elective class. This place, allow me to be creative and add code to my game. Without flash, I will not be able to be creative with my game design. Also I can’t not add code to my game.
Powtoon: I have used this app to make videos for many different projects. With this app, I can add images, voice over, and texts. We can make animated videos with powtoon too. Without this app, I will not be able to make a animated videos. With images, voice over and colorful texts.
Wix: This is use for making websites for my projects in my science class. It is a very useful and helpful app. We can add different images or pictures, videos, links, and a lot more. Also this app is very easy to use and understand. Without this app, it will be very hard for me to make a website. Since other website maker are very hard to understand to use.
Wevideo: This is also use for making video, but instead it can not add animate people like powtoon. But it is still very helpful, since it have a lot of free music and pictures. Without this app, it will be hard for me to make a perfect video for my projects.
Blogger: This is where I make my weekly blog for my science class and sometime for my math class too. We can also add pictures and video into it. The best thing is that blogger is easy to use and our teachers can easily see our work. Without this, it will be very hard for the teachers to see our works. And this will affect us, since we must use other apps that are harder to use than blogger.
Weekby: This is use to create websites too, but it is harder to use than wix. But still, it is very useful. Since I have used this app for one of my science project. It is also able to inserts pictures and backgrounds. But weebly can not insert gif or moving picture. On the other hand, wix is able to add gif or moving pictures.
These are some of the main teach tools that I have use this year.